Monday, September 13, 2010

Outside Looking In

Do you ever feel like you are on the outside looking in??  I saw a man today at the cemetery over by our house and he was standing over a grave playing his guitar.  It made me smile and at the very same moment it made me cry.  I wanted to know who this man was with his spiky hair, baggy shorts, his rock star sunglasses & all his tattoos.  Who was he playing for?  Whoever it was he must have really loved this person.  Standing there on a beautiful day with nothing but his guitar and his grief.  Sad and amazing all at the same time.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mario Bros.

It has been a loooooooooooooonnnnng time since I have blogged about anything!!  So here is my attempt at easing my way into the blogosphere.  Two of my favorite dudes in matching jams.  Even tho the photos are pretty much the same I love their different facial expressions in each photo. 

Sunday, February 8, 2009

AHHHHH!!!! I'm addicted to Facebook!

I gotta say, I don't know why I was not on Facebook a long time ago! It is really cool. I have already connected with people I have not talked to in years. I can chat with any one of my friends who are on line at any given time. It is really neat. Usually what happens is my brother is online so I chat with him, which can be very hilarious! He is and always will be one funny dude. So there it is. Let's just say it. Let it get some oxygen. My name is Michelle, and I am addicted to Facebook. I LOVE IT! FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm on Facebook

It is very odd, I was just talking with someone about facebook yesterday. Today I open my email and I get an invite from my friend Traci who I have not heard from in awhile to be her friend on facebook. But I have no clue what to do!! I need some advice. Halp!

Monday, February 2, 2009

I would like to thank the academy.................

I went to karate this evening, typical trip to the YMCA. Nothing unusual here. Sensei calls all of the students to attention, has us all line up. He says that at the beginning of the year it is tradition to give out an award to the two most inspirational students, one junior the other to an adult. He calls Jake up first and then he calls me! Ok, so I won't go all Sally Field on you guys here but it was a real surprise and an honor. I really do try my best but somedays it seems that I struggle even with my best. And then I wonder, "Do they really think I am doing my best?" I think that question has now been answered. My two year anniversary will be coming up in June. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago. It is longest I have ever stuck with any sort of a sport or hobby. But karate is more than a hobby, it is a way of life. It has changed me in so many ways. I am really thankful to my Senseis' and my family for always encouraging me to stick with it and not give up.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Unauthorized Napping

Well Well Well.............What do we have here? Two naughty little kitties who have not been cleared for a nap. These two little no-goods have been thundering through the house in the wee hours for several nights. They are no longer free fed so they think they must make as much noise as possible so we will get up and feed them..........Oh, but they are sadly mistaken! Cuz, Daddy goes to bed armed! Armed with a squirt bottle, that is.......

While You Were Sleeping

The other night, I went to check on Kristian before I went to bed. The light in the hall was on and I spied something most unusual. I turned on the light in Kristian's room (he didn't even twitch) and all I could see was the top part of Sully's round head. So what do I do? I go get my camera and take lots of pictures of course.

He looks a little miffed at being discovered, doesn't he? I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago and I just showed them to Kristian tonight. He couldn't believe that we would take pics of him when he was sleeping. I told him that he drooled in his sleep........